Third Sigil of Baltur

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Found by the party in a basilisk lair and used by Marnab. Farley is quite certain this item was made in ancient Baltur.

This ancient looking amulet is made of three small interlocking discs made of a metal that is not quite bronze or brass but some other metal unknown to you. There are cutaways in the metal at two points where two discs meet. When held by someone, the item shares its name and properties.

As long as you own the Third Sigil of Baltur and are attuned to it, it has the following properties.

Instantaneous Barrier You can cast a shield spell on yourself as a reaction. Once used, this ability can’t be used again until after a long rest.

Hurry Shortly On your turn, you can take the Dash action as a Bonus Action.

Negligible Conduction When you cast a damage-dealing spell using this item as your spellcasting focus, you do 1 extra point of damage if the damage type of the spell is lightning or thunder.