Service Record - Molden, Guck

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Personnel File – Form 201 – Clearance Level 4 File Number CL-OH-384/2 Date HE/DT/CT
Name Molden, Guck DoB GS/FE/DK PoB Nergutt Date of Service KD/HE/MC Serial Number 452-847
Branch of Service CSF, S Squadron Rank Sergeant Height 1.57m Hair/Eyes Brown/Hazel Race H
Top Sheet - Summary of Service
KD2643 Basic Training, Becker Base.
BE3504 Captain Irwald’s Evaluation Report states that the Private is unmotivated, undisciplined, and headstrong. He recommends a posting in the boonies.
DS5436 Promoted to Private Second Class. Assigned to 15th Infantry Regiment, Fiernach, border security.
BS3732 Uniform found to be non-regulation at inspection for the third time; sentenced to a week in the stockade.
DS4328 Returned to base five hours late and inebriated; sentenced to two weeks in the stockade.
GP4256 Disobeyed a direct command from Lieutenant Obers; sentenced to four weeks in the stockade.
LA4824 Fought with unbridled ferocity and distinction when patrol was attacked by hobgoblins, personally responsible for saving the lives of three squad-mates and Lieutenant Obers. Recommend transfer to CSF.
YD3420 CSF Training, Ardlenn Base.
FD3643 Major Nicks’ Evaluation Report highlights both authority problems and very impressive combat and infiltration skills. She recommends immediate activation.
LE5623 Assigned to CSF, S Squadron. Promoted to Specialist.
LS7854 Operation Forgotten Hymn. Performed above expectations, though significant collateral damage.
NC5673 Operation Crystal Hammer. Gained debilitating left arm injury, one-month medical leave.
DF2374 Severely injured three off-duty infantry corporals at a tavern, transported back to base. CSF decided against bringing charges.
SD8351 Operation Enduring Hydra. Singlehandedly responsible for success of operation. Promoted to Sergeant.
VB1273 Operation Lazy Hawk. Found torturing foreign guardsman due to “boredom”. Reprimanded.
RL3892 Operation Vengeful Jester. Contracted trench foot on prolonged observation, one-month medical leave.
BE8359 Operation Flying Rain. He and Sergeant First Class Horhumin were the only survivors. Awarded Bronze Cross, Second Class. Recommended both be sent up to the Farm for a few months at least.
JE4324 Cleared for duty but it is advised he should be sent up to the Farm at least once a year.
PS3255 Operation Stone Night. Lieutenant Lazo reports performance as “adequate but muted”.
FX2612 Operation Black Star. Saved squadron from detection and likely defeat by enemy forces. Awarded Bronze Cross, First Class.
LC2351 Killed greengrocer at place of business. Deemed self-defense by MP investigation.
VB5362 Operation Stone Grave. Lost all equipment on infil but managed to breach and recover the subject.
UD3450 Operation Silent Prophet. Mission successful, killed Sergeant Kufer in regrettable friendly fire incident.
EM9247 Operation Enduring Crown. Contact with entire squadron was lost, no signs of life for multiple months, all presumed KIA.