Gloves of Destiny

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These fingerless gloves of woven hemp are stitched with very fine gold thread. On the back of the gloves the thread forms a pattern of a spindle.

They were created by Vardan Brekker for Hanur, after the monk recovered an item from the Fallen Star for Istus.

While you are wearing the gloves and are attuned to them, they have the following properties.

Wasn’t Meant to Be When hit by a melee attack you may use your reaction to make a Dexterity save vs a DC equal to the damage dealt. If successful, you managed to block the attack and don’t take any damage, you might still suffer other effects from the attack. Once used you can’t use this ability again until after a long rest.

Forewarned is Forearmored As an action, you can cross your arms and clap your gloved hands against your body to gain 7 temporary hitpoints. Once used you can’t use this ability again until after a long rest.

Top of the Barrel As an action, you can touch a creature other than yourself and either heal 5 hp, neutralize a poison, or remove a disease. These all work as the Paladin Lay on Hands ability. When you use any of these abilities, check a box. When all five boxes are full, tell the DM.

Barley Bottoms Up As an action, you can make a gripping motion with a gloved hand, when doing so a mug of refreshing beer will appear in your hand. The mug disappears after it has been emptied of the beer, or after a minute, whichever comes first. Once used you can’t use this ability again until after a long rest.