Abjura Dolana
A world spanning society of abjurers, self appointed keepers of arcane magic.
In many countries they 'police' magic users for the government. In most of the Heartland nations no one is allowed to cast arcane spells without a license bought from Abjura Dolana.
Their buildings also functions as shrines to Boccob in cities where the god has no temple.
Ascending order of rank
- Aspis
- Warder
- Sentinel
- Magister (they always carry a staff as their badge of office)
Ide Volcar lodge
Of all organisations originally from south of the Sarodin Sea, Abjura Dolana is probably the one with the largest foothold north of the sea. They have a quite close relationship with the Haza government and help with identifying any arcane spellcasters who enter the country. Said spellcasters are then given the choice to pay 5 gp for a license that requires them to also swear fealty to the royal house and wear a badge indicating they did, meaning they can be ordered to help out by guardsmen or other government officials, or pay 500 gp for a license without the oath.
The Ide Volcar lodge is larger than most, having somewhere around two dozen wizards and numerous apprentices on the premises. Their leader is a raven-haired woman of fair complexion, Magister Cara Hysel, a career magistrate who managed to land this position at the tender age of 43. She has a quite pleasant demeanor but brooks no nonsense. Most day-to-day activities fall under the supervision of Sentinel Hull Nurian, a garrulous Loverian man, and Warder Brenna Rendask, a entrancing woman from Dolac.
Korint lodge
This far west Abjura Dolana does not have much of a presence and they haven't been able to gain any official standing with the government. The lodge is quite small, just two wizards and a few apprentices. It is lead by Sentinel Selise Akhmelere, older human woman, stooped. Second in command is Warder locum tenens Delthrin Dhacrylon, middle aged man, broken nose.
Stjordvik lodge
Lead by Magister Ildool Illeon, a tall, grave man with a short dark beard who dresses quite old fashioned, this lodge has had to fight for relevance more than most but they have always found generous support in the local ruler. Abjura Dolana isn't as highly respected here as in the heartlands and specifically in Stjordvik they constantly have to deal with 'those bloody bards'; exactly the kind people who are prone to casting spells willy-nilly and who hold no truck with any kind of regulatory body.