There are a large number of organisations in the world, some are listed here with a brief description, click the links to read more about them.
Abraxis Combine | Merchant house from Otteun. |
Bowman-Outersea Cereals & Commodities | Grain merchants from Mifora. |
House Ditta | Merchant house from Haza. |
House Revol | Merchant house from Loveria. |
Hythe Maritime Services | Shipping company from Dolac. |
Thal Lithel | Elven merchant house of Maern Elassidil. |
Thal Sivale | Elven merchant house of Maern Halueve. |
Bruised But Not Broken | Dwarven mercenary company. |
Nikanish | Orcs seeking to protect 'monstrous tribes'. |
Sulla Arena | A fighter school. |
Caluth Widows | All female assassins' guild. |
Rhes Haghed | Large scale organised crime organisation. |
Strebor's Corsairs | Pirates of the Sarodin Sea. |
Whitemantles | Thieves' guild of Korint. |
Companions of Elric | Organisation of do-gooders. |
Kasarian Embassy | Spies and purveyors of ancient finds. |
Abjura Dolana | Society of abjurers, self appointed keepers of arcane magic. |
Tipatshimun | Dwarven mages seeking the power of the gods, again. |
Kashtin | A society of thrillseekers loosely allied to Olidammara. |
Order of Saint Rabban | Paladin order of Pholtus. |
Circle of Irbac | The stewards of nature. |
Naeslin's Pupils | Discoverers of new species. |
Untamed | Warriors fighting for nature and against civilisation. |
Buel Vitta Society | An organisation of gourmands. |
Dagelijkse Herout | A newspaper that has started writing about the party. |
Resa's Rest | Upscale brothels. |
Swiftfoot’s Supreme Soarers | Travelling halfling circus. |
Pages in category "Organisations"
The following 31 pages are in this category, out of 31 total.