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"42 wandered the lands and slowly his rage subsided. He tried to remember his past but ended up missing the family he escaped from. At some point he crossed paths with an Orc transport. He confused the group with his appearance; a human wearing Orcish clothing and a big Orcish battlesword on his back". They approached him with caution and to their surpise they could speak Orc with him. He seemed almost passive, and did not have a clear purpose or goal. The transport continued it's path and they took 42 with them under one condition; never to talk about his past again, they removed his chackles. He did small chores during the way and when they arrived at (XXXX1) het got a job in the furnace. Earning a little coin and lodging 42 used his unusual human strength to feed the fires and eventually learned to work the metal. He became just like the steel they made; crude but dependable. "

(XXXX1) = City with the huge forges.

Dit geeft de ruimte om 42 in te zetten in de grote Orc settlements waar de forges staan, maar eventueel ook in een metaal transport.

Ik stel me zo voor dat 42 elke vorm van initiatief uit 42 geslagen is en hij zijn dagen in routine doormaakt. Zijn vertrek uit de mines is traumatisch geweest, maar de Orc daar zijn ook zijn familie geweest. Ondank dat de Orc van de forges beschaafder zijn dan zijn vorige eigenaren voelt dit voor hem wel als 'thuis'. In de raffinaderijen en smederijen werkt hij mee als elk andere Orc.

Het wordt interessant om te zien hoe hij zich gaat gedragen als hij een overlevende uit Titrical tegen komt. Hij heeft een belofte gedaan nooit meer over zijn verleden te praten, maar Teresa zal daar in eerste instantie geen boodschap aan hebben, haar gevoelens jegens Orc zijn minder beschaafd.

Mag hij niet meer over zijn verleden praten omdat ze zich schamen voor de afvallige tribes of omdat de rest van de wereld niet mag weten wat er achter de schermen gebeurt...

Dat kan twee kanten op, escaleren of Teresa kan besluiten ook haar mond te houden om 42 te beschermen.

Teresa weet overigens iets waarvan 42 al lang gelden zijn zoektocht naar heeft opgegeven; zijn naam. 42 heet Elwood Betula.

Name 42

Race Human

Class Barbarian


Hometown Titrical (Destroyed)

Relatives None

Languages Common, Orc,

#### Quick description

42 does not remember his name. There is a whisp of a recollection of his youth which was beaten out of him by his Orc slavers.

He grew up in a small farm village caled Titrical. He was just a kid when the Orc came and took everyone captive. The weak were killed, the strong enslaved. Beaten into submission 42 drew the Orcs attention by his exceptional stregth and his loyalty to the one cracking the whip. Following orders without question. Usually slaves don't get a number, but 42 did. Put to work for only the hardest jobs the hard work made him stronger and stronger. Building muscle on his tall body, he can easily stand eye to eye with an Orc.

One day while working the quarrys of XXXX alongside some Dwarven slaves they got a beating just because. A young Dwarf died in the process, leaving an older Dwarf in tears. The Orc made an example of him by smashing his head, leaving him dead.

42 Stood motionless, slivers of a memory long gone went through his head. A man crying over him laying on the ground. The man got picked up by his head, crushed against the wall and tossed to the side.

When a whip cracked on his chest 42 went berserk. Cracking the Orc scull and in a whirlwind of blood and fractured bones he fought his way out. With only the clothes on his body and an Orcish sword in his hand he was now free.

Doing odd Jobs here and there 42 tries to remember where he came from. He still wears the chackles the Orc put on his wrists, as a reminder of where he came from and what he wants to destroy.

42 wandered the lands and slowly his rage subsided. He tried to remember his past but ended up missing the family he escaped from. At some point he crossed paths with an Orc transport. He confused the group with his appearance; a human wearing Orcish clothing and a big Orcish battlesword on his back".

They approached him with caution and to their surpise they could speak Orc with him. He seemed almost passive, and did not have a clear purpose or goal.

The transport continued it's path and they took 42 with them under one condition; never to talk about his past again, they removed his chackles. He did small chores during the way and when they arrived at (XXXX1) het got a job in the furnace.

Earning a little coin and lodging 42 used his unusual human strength to feed the fires and eventually learned to work the metal. He became just like the steel they made; crude but dependable.