Hythe Maritime Services
This shipping company from Avale is one of the largest on the Sarodin Sea. Aside from their shipping business they are also a big player in maritime supplies and services.
With the increased demand for passenger travel they have outfitted most of their ships with quality cabins and have even launched a passenger-only ship which now tours the Sarodin.
The company is run from Sealy House on Rampart Street in the Clover Hill neighborhood, a very well preserved example of Empress Acilia architecture. They own a large number of warehouses in the new port and rent out many of them.
Nominally run by Gerrut 'Keeper' Hythe, this family scion can very rarely be found here. He travels on one of his ships whenever he can get away with it. And when he is in town, he spends much time trying to improve the company's ships, warehouses, and other properties. He has a large workshop where he spends most of his evenings. The actual paperwork is done by his good friend, Jer Lobs, she likes to paint whenever she's dictating letters.
Based out of an old mansion at the edge of the Amber Division, the company has invested much capital and goodwill to see its interests rise here. Only House Ditta exports more from the harbor than Hythe does now, working for most of the other merchant houses.
Running things is Dolac Brent Barkman, a fresh challenge after a long career as a ship captain. In his spare time he composes music.
Ever since a fire burned down their old place they can be found in an airy building on Braid Street, which runs between the Harbor and Forum Districts. Using new technology they have quickly become the largest supplier to the local fishing fleet.
In charge is Miforan Maribeth Solomon who is not only great at her job but also a singer of some renown.