Snake Charmer's Flute

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Found inside a sandworm.

A small bowl made from the bone of an unknown creature. Sitting inside it is a yellowish flute made of the same bone. Turning the flute half a rotation to the left allows for it to be taken out.

When playing the flute near the bowl, a snake can be summoned. The snake rises straight up from the bowl, ten feet for every round the flute is played. It won't rise higher than fifty feet, even if the flute continues to be played. In this state the snake won't attack or move, and can even be climbed (Athletics DC 15). When the playing stops the snake turns into hempen rope that falls to the ground.

To successfully play the flute you need to make a DC 5 Performance check. Should you fail a check, the snake becomes a Giant Poisonous Snake (or another type) under control of the DM, and will attack the flute player.

Once a snake has been summoned no other can be summoned until after a long rest.