Tymos Moltar

From FC1
Revision as of 16:08, 27 April 2024 by DBWiki (talk | contribs) (Created page with "thumb A cleric of Pholtus in Midtal, performing exorcisms, unlike his colleagues who kill anyone even thought to be possessed. He's in his fifties with short, white hair around a bald spot and a short, well-kept beard, equally white. He first met the party when asking for help with the exorcism of '''Bhula'''. Then again, when '''The Caravan - Chronological order of Events#...")
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A cleric of Pholtus in Midtal, performing exorcisms, unlike his colleagues who kill anyone even thought to be possessed. He's in his fifties with short, white hair around a bald spot and a short, well-kept beard, equally white.

He first met the party when asking for help with the exorcism of Bhula.

Then again, when Kerinn's little boy was possessed.

The third time was when Tymos himself was possessed by the fiend he had been battling for so long now.