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There are a large number of organisations in the world, some are listed here with a brief description, click the links to read more about them.

Abraxis Combine Merchant house from Otteun.
Bowman-Outersea Cereals & Commodities Grain merchants from Mifora.
House Ditta Merchant house from Haza.
House Revol Merchant house from Loveria.
Hythe Maritime Services Shipping company from Dolac.
Thal Lithel Elven merchant house of Maern Elassidil.
Thal Sivale Elven merchant house of Maern Halueve.
Thûrash Wool merchants from the Godfall.
Bruised But Not Broken Mercenary company, lots of dwarves.
Nikanish Orcs seeking to protect 'monstrous tribes'.
Sulla Arena A fighter school and prize fight organizer.
Caluth Widows All female assassins' guild.
Rhes Haghed Large scale organised crime organisation.
Strebor's Corsairs Pirates of the Sarodin Sea.
Whitemantles Thieves' guild of Loveria.
Companions of Elric Organization of do-gooders.
Crustaceans Cult trying to return all land to the sea.
Kasarian Embassy Spies and purveyors of ancient finds.
Abjura Dolana Society of predominantly abjurers, self-appointed keepers of arcane magic.
Tipatshimun Dwarven mages seeking the power of the gods, again.
Kashtin A society of thrillseekers loosely allied to Olidammara.
Order of Saint Rabban Paladin order of Pholtus.
Circle of Irbac The stewards of nature.
Naeslin's Pupils Discoverers of new species.
Untamed Warriors fighting for nature and against civilisation.
Buel Vitta Society An organisation of gourmands and aesthetes.
Resa's Rest Upscale brothels.
Swiftfoot’s Supreme Soarers Traveling halfling circus.