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Ehlonna of the Forests, Goddess of the Woodlands
A rearing unicorn
Neutral Good
Forests, Woodlands, Plains, Flora, Fauna
Favored weapon

Ehlonna (eh-LOAN-nuh) is commonly depicted as a a dark-haired half-elven woman, and often associates with unicorns and other sylvan creatures. Her eyes are deep blue or startling violet. Her garments may be the practical garb of a ranger or the rich gown of an elven princess. She carries a longbow that always hits its target.


Ehlonna teaches that the animals and plants of the forests are gifts, and not to be stolen. She is often the goddess of rangers and druids and opposes those who would rape the land for fun or profit. Her relationship with Beory is strained.


Many of Ehlonna's clerics (or Silvicoli, as they are known) live in forests and keep on friendly terms with the local rangers, druids, elves, and fae. They keep guard against encroachments by evil folk, loggers, and others who would exploit and ruin any woodland. When confronting anyone who would despoil a forest, they tend to be gentle but firm, at least at first. If the invaders persist, Ehlonna's clerics can be ruthless in driving them out. Many of Ehlonna's clerics take it upon themselves to teach woodcraft, plant trees, or both.


The Silvicoli usually wear practical clothes to roam the woods, women only wearing dresses for certain ceremonies. Whatever the outfit adopted, the dominant color is always light green.


Ehlonna's places of worship often boil down to simple clearings with trees for walls and sky for the only roof. However, small chapels appear here and there in the forest villages, and cabins are camouflaged in the heart of the forest. There are healers and rangers ready to guide visitors safely through the woods. Small shrines often exist in villages near large forests.


Forestview is a small church run by Gayrlana Morim, a human woman of advanced age who is famed locally for the pies that she bakes.