This cooperative from the Godfall was founded by sheep farmers to leverage their combined power in selling their wool to the large merchant houses.
These days wool is still their major trade but they have branched out to the other common commodities in the country.
Banak office
The largest office in the organization, it has a large collection of interconnected warehouses under the city with the administration building sitting in the middle of them, like a spider in a web. A dwarven woman named Ritva Ruvon is the general manager though she answers to a board of directors.
The Banak Open
Every year Thûrash organizes the largest Ishmêk tournament in the Godfall. Fans come from all over the country (and even further) to watch the spectacle. As the name implies, it is open for anyone to enter.
It is mostly larger organizations that enter, as they can usually field the best players, though sometimes bands of mercenaries or adventurers try their luck. Frequently the final is a grudge match between teams from Abjura Dolana and Dubanôn but upsets do happen.
The prize for winning is just a gaudy amulet but it is the honor that counts, of course.
Martell office
Due to local circumstances a large contingent of Godfallers is always present at the warehouses on Nollk Lane. The office is right across the way so they can keep an eye out at all times. In charge of everything, but most of all security, is a fifty year veteran of Bruised But Not Broken; a crusty dwarven man by the name of Tarvo Rulvir.
Midtal office
Thûrash keeps just a single warehouse here, dwarfed (pun most certainly not intended) by their competitors. The office can be found of the second floor of said warehouse, on Kommer Way in the Pekunn ziek, run by an ever-complaining, ancient dwarven woman; Meri Sargred.