Decidedly Unique Not Garish

From FC1
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This elongated stone, about the size of a small knife handle, its skin is the colour of old bronze, has spiral markings running along its length. It smells like honeysuckle. A small hole is present just under the narrow end. When held, it feels slightly warm and imbricate scales appear over its surface like an inchoate fir cone.

It was given to you by Ranna Amethystall who told you that it was both a map and the key to find out more about Naeslin's Pupils. She wouldn’t explain more but told you to ‘experiment’.

As long as this item is in your possession and you are attuned to it, it has the following properties.

Alone Your senses feel more acute, you have advantage on Initiative rolls.

Amateur When swung from a rope like a pendulum you can use an action to determine which way is north. This property functions only on the Material Plane.

Heavy It can be used as a sling bullet. It counts as a magical weapon, adding 1 to the attack roll, doing 2d6+1 points of damage, with a range of 50/150 ft. Note that once fired it is no longer considered to be in your possession and can become lost, depending on where it lands.

Pād-zahr You have advantage on saving throws vs poison.

Mary’s As an action you can touch it to another substance; it will temporarily change color to indicate if the substance is animal, vegetable, or mineral.

Buckland It can be used as your druidic focus.

Fir Cone If a target you hit is of a different type then the last target you hit; you may increase all die results by one except for those already at their maximum.

1548 It might make a good soup.