Sand Poacher Armor
Looted by Kieran after a battle in the Pyramid.
This suit of armor is constructed of sand poacher chitin plates, expertly fused together to form a protective shell.
Heavy armor, 40 lb., AC 17. If the wearer has a Strength score lower than 15, their speed is reduced by 10 feet.
While wearing this armor and being attuned to it, you gain the following benefits:
- The armor can be donned and doffed as if it were a medium armor (5 minutes / 1 minute).
- The armor doesn't impose disadvantage on your Stealth checks.
- The armor doesn't impose disadvantage on saving throws made to resist the effects of extreme heat (see chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide).
- The armor allows you to attack a single creature within 10’ with a spectral sting attack (d20+6 to hit) using the Attack action, it can be combined with other attacks. Should it miss the intended target, it automatically hits the wearer instead. The sting does 1d10 piercing damage, and the victim must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, taking 2d10 poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. You can use this property once per long rest.
Curse This armor is cursed. While wearing the armor you have Vulnerability to Bludgeoning, Cold, and Thunder damage. Whenever you don it, you must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, on a failed save you speak with a lisp till you finish a long rest. Only a Wish spell can remove the armor's curse.