The sole entryway slopes downwards and leads to a huge chamber where there are clear signs of previous looter, disabled traps are visible all over. Another chamber holds a huge chest that was well protected; a skeleton lays crushed under a boulder. But the traps were not enough to prevent someone from emptying the chest.
Going the other way they come to a huge library filled with tablets and scrolls. There's nothing magical there except for a huge tome laying on a massive stone desk. Zayn has a look at it, using his Arcana skill and then hears a "hmm" in his head. "I think we could use this," his patron tells him. It takes some studying and expensive reagents but the end result is that the warlock can now summon a book mount with his Tome of Sedar.
Moving further, seeing more disabled traps, they come to another massive room, this one containing a large obsidian throne and an opening in the ceiling that seems to lead somewhere. With Kieran using the Snake Charmer's Flute, Boldrek climbs the snake and manages to fall off of it twice; its not an easy climb. But then he succeeds and the rope the snake turns into is fortunately easier to ascend, bringing the entire party up.
They come to a beautiful room with a reflecting pool and sapphires embedded in the wall, arranged to form phases of the moon. Boldrek tries to cut the gems from the wall and the second he does so, he and Kieran, who stands next to him, are hit with a Flame Strike spell. The sapphires haven't been damaged in any way. Suitably humbled they continue their journey.
They come to a room lined with rows of stone sarcophagi along the walls. As they move further into the room they trigger a trap and poisoned darts shoot out hitting everyone but Kieran. At the same time, two heavy, stone blocks appear in front of the exits as do four creatures, the locals call them Sand Poachers, they look like frigging huge scorpions.