Teresa Liliidae

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Quick Reference

Name: Teresa Liliidae (Terry)
Race: Human
Class: Druid
Background: Outlander
Hometown: Titrical (Destroyed)
Relatives: Father (Deceased), Mother (Deceased), Adust Bjerkander (Old Druid Deceased)
Languages: Common, Orc (from camp), Druidic (from odl druid), Elvish (from merchants in the farm town)

Quick Description

Teresa is a Human Druid who grew up as a farmer in a small town. The town was enslaved by Orcs, then destroyed. Teresea escaped with her life. Slowely becoming aware of her connection to nature she searched for mythical hermits called Druids. She found one, lived with him for two years until he passed. She learned about magic and the old Druid religion; Old Faith. Again lost without a family she sets out to learn more about the Old Faith.

Personal History

Teresa was born in the small farm town Titrical. She grew up with other kids, playing on the land and in the woods. Playing with the animals, playing adventurer or shooting targets with a sling. From her early teens she helped out on the land and herding cattle where her sling skills came in handy. Sometimes she would be out for days, gathering her own food and sleeping under the night sky while herding. On the land she helped sowing and harvesting and learned hard work. Her family was a caring bunch. She had a great relationship with her parents. She got around nicely with the other chilidren and towns folk, but could be on her own just as well.

When she was about 18 years old, a small unit of Orcs rode through town. The villagers were rattled, but the Orcs moved on without stopping. Within a few days a devision of Orcs surrounded the town and took the villagers captive. The villagers were put in chains and held in the large farmers shed while the Orcs took residence in the homes and set up camp. They were here to stay. The people were put to work. Cutting down trees in the forest and digging large trenches in teh fields. A part of the wood was transported out of the village, the rest burned to make coal. The occupation lasted for about three years. When the forest was stripped bare the Orcs left, taking those who were not worked to death with them as slaves. As a final statement the Orcs set the village on fire. In the process one of the prison transports caught fire and Teresa managed to get out and get away. With nothing but worn down clothes she made a small hun and lived of the scorched land for a while. She felt empty and depressed. After a while small plants started to grow and she felt their precense. This got her thinking as she heard stories of hermits living in the woods being one with nature. Could the stories of these hermits be true?

Now around 22 years old she left what was left of her hometown behind in search for stories about the legendary hermits. Passing town after town, doing small chores along the way for pay she ended up with threads of stories about ancient magic and hermits called Druids. With these leads she eventually found an old Druid in the woods at the foot of a mountain.

What the legends didn't say is that most Druids are exceptionally hard to deal with. Most of them were asocial creatures that ended up living alone in nature as guardians of forests, swamps, deserts and even tundra. The old man didn't awknoledge Teresa at first. He just plainly ignored her. He moved slow, and didn't speak. Yet he didn't turn her away either. She started helping him with chores, chopping wood, cooking and even cleaning his cabin. The cabin was overgrown by three huge trees and the inside might as well have been outside as many plants and animals had found their way inside. Teresa eventually calmed down and stopped talking to the man, then one night sitting at the fire he started talking. In a slow and low voice hey told her his story. He could feel her affinity with nature and as she had the same gift he wanted to teach her everything he knew. Like the trees around the cabin he was dying. In the following months they talked and he taught her basic spells and how to read and write Druidic. But he could never finish her education. After two years Adust died and with him the trees on his home. The 400 year old trees lost all their leaves over night, covering the home in leaves. For the Second time Teresa was without a home.

Campain History

Session 01