Font of Holukein
Found by Kieran on his travels.
This piece of basalt rock is about seven centimeters wide and deep and about twelve high. Along one side a sliver of silver is visible, like moonlight coming through a crack between the clouds. At the top of the rock there is a depression, much like a small basin.
As long as this item is in your possession and you are attuned to it, it has the following properties. Note that if you do not have a certain class feature then properties modifying that feature don’t do anything for you.
Life When the basin is filled with pure water you can use an action to invest the water. Anyone who then drinks the water in the next minute gains resistance to necrotic damage for 1 hour. You can use this ability once per short rest.
Health You can expend either 10 hit points from your lay on hands pool or 2 ki points to cast a lesser restoration spell. You can use this ability once per short rest.
Nourishment You gain access to the Goodberry spell. It is permanently added to your prepared list of spells. Alternatively, you may cast it by expending 1 ki point.
Light As an action you can hold up the font as a beacon of light. A stream of moonlight then flows from it, illuminating a 30-foot radius and dispelling darkness as a 2nd level spell. You need to concentrate on this effect and it lasts up to ten minutes. You can use this ability once per long rest.
Devotion You may concentrate upon the font, taking no actions for 1 minute, and regain 1 ki point or 5 hit points to your lay on hands pool. You can use this ability once per long rest.
Growth Once per year, you can fill the basin with nutritious soil and pure water and then plant any kind of seed in the basin. After 24 hours, during which you must meditate near the font regularly, you can take the seed and plant it in the ground. Over time an elm tree with special properties will grow from the seed. The type of properties depends on the soil, climate, nearby flora and fauna, and other factors. It will always be a beacon for all that is good in the world and often attract a dryad.