A middle-aged man who looks mostly human with a ruddy skin and dark hair but who must be a tiefling considering the two small horns peeking through his hair.
Encountered in Banak, he used a Bigby's Hand spell and then brought the party to the basement of the Kasarian Embassy for some 'enhanced interrogation'.
He was overheard referring to himself as a special envoy.
The first mention of him was as the author of a letter that Zayn found on the body of a man crushed by his horse at the destroyed caravan:
Tzator, we have obtained the location of the key, those fool dwarves have no idea of what they took. Soon it will be in our possession, of this I have no doubt. This means we have to redouble our effort of finding the lock. I want you to scour every inch of that gods-forsaken, windswept land and locate the Aegis, our future depends on it.
When you find it, under no circumstances are you to enter the Zedek, or even get near it. Report back the minute you find it, secure the area and make sure no outsiders know of the location.