Odrik's questionnaire answers
We can find you your perfect life partner, guaranteed! Just fill out our patented questionnaire below and drop it off at our office on Wonder Way. Then our expert staff will match you with the right person in a matter of days! What do you consider your biggest strength?
What do you consider your biggest strength?
Well... I've gotta mean right hook? 'Specially after a few flagons. What’s your biggest weakness?
What’s your biggest weakness?
Wha' happens after a few flagons. What is your favorite thing about your career?
What is your favorite thing about your career?
Ma men... Ma crew... What is your biggest complaint about your job?
What is your biggest complaint about your job?
Am not going into that, if ye don' mind... What’s the funniest thing you have ever seen?
What’s the funniest thing you have ever seen?
Havinn a fresh pup go lookin fer the inflatable balista! What do you want other people to know about you?
What do you want other people to know about you?
Stay'n on ma good side, means stay'n on tha Good side! What’s something embarrassing you’ve done?
What’s something embarrassing you’ve done?
Walked into ma superior officer shavin her 'beard' once... Who is your hero?
Who is your hero?
Every comrade I had the honor with a toast, as sad as that may be... What is your biggest fear?
What is your biggest fear?
Is it still a biggest fear if it already happened? What really makes you angry?
What really makes you angry?
Tha thing that already happened. What’s your favorite pastime?
What’s your favorite pastime?
Ale 'n Dice! What is your proudest accomplishment?
What is your proudest accomplishment?
Almost bedded Dame Olimara once! Though I was pissed good an' well, so it might not have been exactly as I remember it...
What would you change about yourself if you could?
I would like to have Gladys back I reck'n...